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Christmas Please help me save a little boy's life and make Christmas SPECIAL!!


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Another Update on our little champ..

Tree Reeseto Ian's leukemia (ALL) journey
Today was a very long day at clinic, shortly after arriving, he got very sick and threw up everywhere. His CBC was so low that he would need to have a blood transfusion, this would be his 6th one and it takes 2 hours for the infusion. While he was being examined, the nurse discovered that he was wheezing a little bit so he would also be starting breathing treatments. He has had Parainfluenza for so long that we are praying that it isn't turning into pneumonia or an asthma related illness. We will be watching him very closely for the next couple days.

Today, was day 1 of 4 of his back to back chemo treatments. We will be doing these close to home again and we won't be back at Primary's for treatment for 3 weeks. His home health nurse will help us care for him during this time. We will all enjoy this time off during the Holidays and we will be praying that he will be well enough to enjoy it.


This past week he would be feeling good enough in the morning and then lay day in the afternoon and stay in bed for hours or all night.
#Ianstrong #pedscancersucks




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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Christopher, my husband and I would like to know what time you are figuring on taking them over? We will be up that way on Sunday and We would love to be there. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Let me ask my wife, she is in charge of all scheduling.
But we would be happy to have you come and join us for the presentation.
Just make sure you come hungry.
I suspect there may be dinner involved!:):)


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Thanks for the Go Fund Me link, I read this and intended on sending a card. I apologize that never happened, but did donate.
TOTALLY understand bud.
This time of the year is when most of us LOSE our minds.
I haven't even BEGUN to do ANY of my Christmas Shopping yet.
Not one single item!

Tonight I am having all kids over from church to sing Christmas Carols.
My part is to make up a killer batch of 5 gallons of Death by Hot Chocolate to warm them up after a long cold night of caroling.
After tonight I get to focus on my family next!


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho

This week we started in Utah at Primary's and had 3 more treatment days here locally. This little one makes friends with every medical worker that comes into his room. They all love his sweet spirit and his kindness and can't get enough of him. He is very loved

Today we started the kids Christmas break and Ian and Dad spent the day in the hospital. Mom needed a break.... His fever would spike up to 101 and then drop in a matter of minutes to 96. With chemo kids you have to take 1,000s of temp readings a day because they can spike a fever in a matter of seconds that can become very serious.

This poor kid is still testing posative for Parainfluenza. We ended up getting an ER doctor who has raised a cancer kid himself, it helps when you can connect on some level that isnt understood without going through it yourself. We gave him a super dose of antibiotics and we feel like it is his body responding to the 8 doses of chemo he had in the past two weeks. This is why he gets a short break for the next two weeks so that his body can rest before his next round of chemo.

We can't thank you enough for your prayers and thoughtful gifts that have been given to our family. #Ianstrong



Lifetime Membership
Jan 7, 2013
We left a small box in Idaho Falls yesterday for our daughter to bring to you in the morning. Is there someplace she could drop it off today before 5 so you could deliver it too?
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