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Youth ATV Ban and the CPSIA coming back around


Well-known member
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Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Yakima, Wa.
We need to get this resolved once and for all!!!

Courtesy of Americans for Responsible Recreational Access www.arra-access.com If you're not a member of ARRA I highly recommend joining. They are very similar to SAWS, but watch for issues relating to all types of recreational access, etc.

The Final Push to Stop the Ban is On!

As you will recall the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) effectively banned the sale of youth sized all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and motorcycles in February 2009 because certain components of these vehicles contain small amounts of lead. This lead has been demonstrated to pose no risk to children. In fact, the real safety issue is that banning youth vehicles may result in children riding inappropriately sized adult machines.

You may have heard that this problem was resolved when the CPSC instituted a two-year stay of enforcement on the ban, which was recently extended until December 2011. But, the stay has proven ineffective at best. While some youth vehicles have been sold under the stay, youth ATVs and motorcycles remain classified as banned hazardous products and remain illegal to sell, prompting many in the industry to wait for a permanent, legislative remedy before reentering the market.

ARRA members have responded in force on this issue in the past – collectively sending over 1 million messages to Congress - and we need your help once again. Congress will address the CPSIA early in the recently convened session. You can help ensure that Congress moves forward on a legislative remedy to stop the ban by clicking the Take Action link below to contact your Members of Congress and the Members of the House Energy and Commerce and Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committees.

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