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So the invasion kicked off


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Mar 28, 2005
Rapid City, SD
Shifting weapons platforms to the Baltic States that are NATO members. All it will take is one of them to evoke Article 5 of the NATO agreement.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 22, 2010
Shifting weapons platforms to the Baltic States that are NATO members. All it will take is one of them to evoke Article 5 of the NATO agreement.
If that happens the world will have an all new out look on Putin. These ****ers that have locked the world down for thier own power and greed need to be cleansed .

The so called Ukraine president speaks to the world with his cronies and claims the people are there with them . Really , there's no people standing in those vacant streets with them .

It's no different than diaper boy speaking to the people you never see . These bastards are not only corrupt but the stupidity is overwhelming.

Remember when Trump said they won't even be able to walk down the streets ? That day has come


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Mar 28, 2005
Rapid City, SD
I could care less if Ukraine falls. Its their govts fault. Russia has been trying to get a cease fire for 7 years and Ukraine has not been honoring nor would it honor it's agreement of the Minsk Accords. I just hope everyone calms the ef down once this is over. Right now Russia only has 1/3 of it's forces on the border committed inside Ukraine. I see Russia committing another 1/3rd soon once they draw a majority of Ukraine forces out. That's if Speitznaz don't sever the heads of government and force a surrender first. NATO just needs to stay out of it. Realistically NATO was created to combat the Soviet Union and it should have been disbanded in the early 90's when the Union fell apart. Europe is now seeing how vulnerable they are. United States has been the backbone of their defense up until the drawdown in the mid 90's. Without the United States, Russia could keep going reclaiming all the former Soviet countries and keep going if it wanted to. The speed of modern ware fare today, Europe could not raise a standing army against them quick enough.


Well-known member
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Mar 28, 2005
Rapid City, SD
Remember Putin saying anyone who interferes.
See what happens to Poland for doing this.


Well-known member
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Mar 28, 2005
Rapid City, SD
That's not possible , nobody can be that stupid .
Considering the actions of US Army General Milley effectively told China he would warn them of an attack behind the presidents back and had effectively created a coup agaist Trump to defy any orders of attack and remove him from office and actually bragged about that crap. Seeing that and the many other blunders of this Democratic led govt, nothing surprises me what these greasy bastards do aymore.
Nov 26, 2007
while russian conventional forces have considerable power to overrun most european forces, the possibility of using nuclear theater weapons is always a risk to any conventional adversary, hence, the main reason that the soviet union several times threatened, but never consumated its' threat.....nato has never had forces equal in number to soviet/russian forces.....but nato always had sufficient deterrent in the form of theater (limited megatonage) to stifle soviet ambitions.....either over-powering conventional or theater nuc lear power can be used without compromising the use of strategic nuclear power (large megatonage) to destroy cities and nations....the key is timing....once an invasion has commenced and forces are intermingled, theater nuclear force becomes problematic.....the satellite photos of the russians massing tanks etc. reminded me of all fighter planes that were sitting on the ramp at Pearl Harbor in WW2....same concept ....a theater nuke would have taken them all out, and still would render the staging areas of the russians unusable....will to use them is still the question....do the people that control the nuke button feel personally threatened ?....the use of theater nukes doesn't mean automatic escalation ....how long until russian control of the ukraine emboldens them to go for Latvia, and then the rest....when will Germany decide they don't want to be over-run by russia ? the last time, I don't think they liked it, do they still have the memory of the rape of Berlin ?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 22, 2010
There's a lot more than the rape of Berlin , the truth of that war is just starting to come out , this whole situation with the allies is unraveling . The Great reset is not a transition it's nazis locking the world down . What we have been taught for generations has only been a partial truth . Look at the latest crap with the pope bs , 3000 pedo cases within .
These elites know the rules of this world , when this diaper boy was running from his basement we where being assault for the way we even talk, the way our generation grew up etc.etc . from some little bastards in here and some dumb ass that believes he has a right to live in two different countries at the same time that supported all the violence ( little ****ers even wanted that kid executed , Kyle )and constantly assaulting this whole group with the same bullshit that is totally in our face with this administration . There are no rules as far as thier concerned .

It's the great reset not a transition of man kind to evolve .

People are dieing all the time now and the words they us is unexpectedly , and they don't give a rats as . I haven't heard of even one mayor pointing that out .
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 28, 2005
Rapid City, SD
while russian conventional forces have considerable power to overrun most european forces, the possibility of using nuclear theater weapons is always a risk to any conventional adversary, hence, the main reason that the soviet union several times threatened, but never consumated its' threat.....nato has never had forces equal in number to soviet/russian forces.....but nato always had sufficient deterrent in the form of theater (limited megatonage) to stifle soviet ambitions.....either over-powering conventional or theater nuc lear power can be used without compromising the use of strategic nuclear power (large megatonage) to destroy cities and nations....the key is timing....once an invasion has commenced and forces are intermingled, theater nuclear force becomes problematic.....the satellite photos of the russians massing tanks etc. reminded me of all fighter planes that were sitting on the ramp at Pearl Harbor in WW2....same concept ....a theater nuke would have taken them all out, and still would render the staging areas of the russians unusable....will to use them is still the question....do the people that control the nuke button feel personally threatened ?....the use of theater nukes doesn't mean automatic escalation ....how long until russian control of the ukraine emboldens them to go for Latvia, and then the rest....when will Germany decide they don't want to be over-run by russia ? the last time, I don't think they liked it, do they still have the memory of the rape of Berlin ?
Agree 100%. When I was stationed near Baumholder GE 92-94 a young Sgt in my section served prior service (got out and came back in) as a tanker in an M-60 stationed in Fulda GE in early 80's. Back then the M60 had all the capabilities of the M1 Abrams but did not have the armor. Reagan nearly kicked off hostilities speaking into a mic check during a speech "We begin bombing in 5min" damn near kicked off WW3 back then. People don't know how much that single comment. Within hours of that comment my buddies brigade was on their assigned positions on the Fulda Gap with Russian tanks in their sights prepared to fire. They knew they were cannon fodder as their orders were to take out as many as they could at range with their load of ammo while retreating, once empty they were on their own. They were only there to slow movements down while other units came into theater.

I was there for one of the last annual Reforgers that several stateside units would receive orders and deploy with all their equipment and vehicles to Germany, NATO brought in troops from other countries and we'd tear up the German countryside. I was there to see many units get drawn down and back into the states. We would often go to the German Artillery's School in Idar Oberstein. We often mingled with those guys. The regulars that stayed in after their 2 yr conscript service were some hard charging professionals. The problem was is there did not seem to be enough of them. Many of the conscripts looked like college nerds, not artillery men. In the field, many performed about as expected as they looked. about 1/4 of the gun crews had their stuff together (photo)

About the only country I think that could hold their own for awhile is Britain. I think all the others are real freakin nervous that they have not built up their armed forces over the last few years. Germany really has no excuse due to their economy, we cleared out a lot of our bases that they could have easily taken over and utilized, but they never did. Russia has no better opportunity than today to rid themselves of the threat of NATO.

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