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What else shoould i ask for or get or do before i ride my 21 hc

Dec 15, 2018
I have to go to boise soon to pick up a custom cataraft frame I had Jessie from class 5 adventures make me. I could swing by your zone on the way home maybe? Over Lolo? You live in Idaho so it's big no matter what just like montana. My wife's uncle has a beautiful home in sealy and we've been twice lol. That's 6hrs on good roads. It hasn't snowed for weeks. It finally did. We got as much as 20 inches in some spots and my friends are -working, going to the gym and doing "chores" , running errands, and "just gonna lay around today" wtf!!??? Man iam chomping at the bit to go get scared and iam sitting here on the internet. I even called about a damn guided trip. I hate "pay to play"...stuff it I'll just go ride the small hills by the parking lot alone. If it goes bad I can at least walk to truck and call for help or limp it back in the trailer. How do groups feel when some rando in the lot asks to join a ride? Bwahaha!!


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Oct 30, 2008
Billings MT
We had a lone guy jump in with our group at the Buck Ridge parking lot before. I'd rather someone did that than go by themselves...as long as they aren't a hazard to everyone else.


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Nov 2, 2017
Roberts, MT
@Pinchecharlie I ride Buck Creek once or twice a month with a friend out of Livingston, or sometimes Cooke or Top of the World. I could drop you a line if you want to join. I'm moderately experienced, and more than happy to share what I know. @boondocker97, nice of you to be willing to add a lone rider. When I started riding, I went by myself quite a bit, and nobody ever asked me to join; actually, the first club I reached out to and went to ride with politely ditched me an hour in. I'm not the type who feels comfortable randomly breaking into a group, and so after that I just accepted being a lone ranger for a while. Not the safest, or smartest route to take.

It's an expensive, physically demanding sport with a steep learning curve, and finding the right people to ride with is a make-or-break thing for a lot of new riders. I persevered, and with the help of some great SnoWesters, I've made solid progress the last four years. I'm very grateful to the really good riders I've gone with who don't mind sacrificing their fun time to help a less experienced/capable rider along, so I try to pass it down the line where possible.
Dec 15, 2018
Yes please do anytime and if you ever need any help in and around bozo please feel free to ask. Iam always willing to lend a hand. Iam doing just "ok" and unfortunately iam kinda getting hurt a little each time lol!! Thought I broke my wrist but x ray was good so just sprained! Ha! Iam learning pretty fast though just need snow!! Think buck and taylors will have some snow this weekend but on top of old hard stuff. We went up the bridgers on Saturday and Sunday but the new snow fooled you into thinking you where good. That's how I crashed I hit something hard and came to a abrupt stop lol. I'll have to make sure I didn't bend anything. It's been -6 to -20 below for two days and I've been hiding inside! I'd love to just watch and then hear what guys are thinking about kine choice and weight transfer and maneuvers. It's coming kinds slow and alot of falling off and stuck lol. Thanks for the kindness and please do stay in touch!!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 20, 2008
West of East
Yes please do anytime and if you ever need any help in and around bozo please feel free to ask. Iam always willing to lend a hand. Iam doing just "ok" and unfortunately iam kinda getting hurt a little each time lol!! Thought I broke my wrist but x ray was good so just sprained! Ha! Iam learning pretty fast though just need snow!! Think buck and taylors will have some snow this weekend but on top of old hard stuff. We went up the bridgers on Saturday and Sunday but the new snow fooled you into thinking you where good. That's how I crashed I hit something hard and came to a abrupt stop lol. I'll have to make sure I didn't bend anything. It's been -6 to -20 below for two days and I've been hiding inside! I'd love to just watch and then hear what guys are thinking about kine choice and weight transfer and maneuvers. It's coming kinds slow and alot of falling off and stuck lol. Thanks for the kindness and please do stay in touch!!

Something else to think about, since you said you keep almost getting hurt.

A few years ago, I bumped down into a little revine, summer time creek I’m sure. After a few runs through it, it got pretty tore up. I made another run through it and coming down, I was moving from 1 side to the next. I found a 2’ hole and instead of keeping to the side of it, it seemed fun to wheelie through it. Well I caught a lot of traction, the front end came up and went threw just fine until the front came back to another 3’ hole. This one shot me over the bars. But I hit throttle with some part of my body, probably my knee. Up came the skiis again and I went straight into the ski with my ribs. I Cracked a couple and was very uncomfortable for a handful of weeks.

I ride with an armor vest now. Ive got 2.
509 makes a good one. And I have a Troy Lee Designs model. I use that more for dirt biking but its nice for snowmobiles also.

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